Signs of Being Bipolar – Bipolar Therapist in Irvine


Signs of Being BipolarWhat is Bipolar Disorder and what are the signs that someone may be suffering from it?

You may be asking, what are some signs of being Bipolar? The signs of Bipolar Disorder can vary from person to person, but there are some common signs that may indicate that someone is suffering from this condition. Mood swings are one of the most common signs of Bipolar Disorder. These mood swings are characterized by extreme emotions and behaviors. A person with this condition may go from feeling very high and happy to feeling very low and sad in short time.

Changes in energy levels are also common in people with Bipolar Disorder. A person with this condition may go from being very active and energetic to feeling tired and sluggish. Problems with concentration and focus are another common sign of Bipolar Disorder. A person with this condition may have trouble staying on task or keeping track of conversations. Further, changes in sleeping habits are also common in people with Bipolar Disorder. A person with this condition may sleep too much or too little, or have trouble falling asleep.


How to get help if you think you or someone you know may be suffering from Bipolar Disorder 

If you think that you or someone you know may be suffering from Bipolar Disorder, it is important to seek help from a professional. Some ways to get help if you think you or someone you know may be suffering from Bipolar Disorder include:

  • talking to your doctor
  • talking to a mental health professional
  • attending a support group for people with Bipolar Disorder
  • joining an online community for people with Bipolar Disorder
  • learning about treatments and therapies for Bipolar Disorder

No matter how you choose to get help, it is important to remember that seeking treatment can be the first step in managing symptoms of Bipolar Disorder. With the right support, you or your loved one can learn to manage symptoms and develop strategies to cope with the condition.


The importance of early diagnosis and treatment for Bipolar Disorder 

People with Bipolar Disorder often go through years of uncontrolled mood swings before they are correctly diagnosed and get the treatment they need. This can be dangerous, as it can lead to problems at work or school, relationship difficulties, and even suicide. The good news is that Bipolar Disorder can be treated, and early diagnosis and treatment is the key to managing symptoms and having a successful outcome.


The benefits of therapy and medication for treating Bipolar Disorder

Both therapy and medication are important for treating Bipolar Disorder. Therapy can help a person understand and manage their condition, while medication can help stabilize mood swings.


Take The Next Step

If you or someone you know is suffering from Bipolar Disorder, Lisa Eaton Therapy can help. We are experts in identifying  and treating Bipolar Disorder, and we can help you find the treatment that is right for you. Contact us today by calling our Intake Coordinator or filling out our online contact form to learn more about our services!