Feeling Overwhelmed – Therapy for Overwhelm in Irvine


Overwhelmed at WorkFeeling overwhelmed is not uncommon. It is the body’s natural reaction to too much stress and pressure. Yet, those feelings should be a warning to you to do something about it. That often means taking steps to ensure you are moving beyond your feelings into a better place. Sometimes it is easy to get stuck in this situation. You may be feeling overwhelmed and anxious on a consistent basis. When that happens, your health could be at risk.

Getting help for these symptoms is critical to your future. At Lisa Eaton Therapy and Coaching, we can help you by providing an effective therapy plan to address your individual needs.


What Can You Do About Feeling Overwhelmed?

Recognizing the symptoms of feeling overwhelmed is the first step in treatment. Those symptoms may be mild to intense and may include:

  • Feeling physical changes, such as heart palpitations, difficulty breathing, and a feeling of unease
  • Experiencing mood swings
  • Feeling as though you cannot make decisions at all
  • Being unable to focus on activities or tasks because there are so many others to think about
  • Being unable to meet responsibilities because you have so many other frustrations to worry about

If you are feeling overwhelmed, know that you are not alone. This happens to many people. At the same time, you do not have to live with feeling overwhelmed and anxious all of the time. Therapy can help you.


Who May Benefit from Counseling for Feeling Overwhelmed?

Many people who are facing feelings of being overwhelmed, anxious, and depressed should seek out help for it. That means those who feel overwhelmed often, those who feel out of control sometimes, and individuals who are not dealing with  the complications  within their lives. You may want to talk to a therapist if you are struggling day-to-day with relationships, work responsibilities, or just your own negative thoughts.


What Are the Benefits of Therapy?

Learning how to stop feeling overwhelmed at home and even at work isn’t always easy. Even though you do not want to feel this way, you may feel as though there is nothing you can do to control the situation. You’re frustrated, anxious, and unable to enjoy life.

In therapy, you can benefit in a number of ways:

  • Learn to control the way you think, so that you are more focused on what’s really important and not everything at once
  • Develop skills for curbing negative thought patterns, reducing the risk that you’ll find yourself spiraling out of control
  • Learn how to better manage your time and goals
  • Discuss the underlying cause of your frustration, which could be a mental health disorder, past trauma, external pressures, hormone imbalances, or much more

In therapy, you are able to open up and talk to a licensed therapist about the way you are feeling. If you are feeling overwhelmed at work, you may discuss the cause of this. It could be the pressure in the work environment or your fear of making a mistake. You may be overwhelmed because of the trauma you’ve faced , or not knowing how to help yourself feel better on your own. .

If you are feeling overwhelmed at home, you can work with your therapist to better understand why this is. It may be obvious, such as struggling with the loss of a loved one or a financial strain. Other times, it is harder to know exactly what is causing you to feel the way you do. Your therapist will work with you to better understand what’s really happening and why.


What Can You Expect When Getting Therapy for Feeling Overwhelmed?

When you meet with a therapist, the first step is to assess what is occurring. This takes some time. When you open up about what you are feeling, you can then start to work on a plan to overcome those challenges. This could include the use of a wide range of holistic and evidence-based therapies. The goal is to build up your understanding of what is happening, so you can feel better and create a better future for yourself.

With the help of a therapist, you can work through those thoughts and feelings in a meaningful way. This could help you create a better future for yourself.


How to Get Help for Feeling Overwhelmed

Lisa Eaton Therapy and Coaching provides comprehensive therapy services and resources to help you overcome these negative feelings. Reach out to us today so we can help you feel less overwhelmed.